Sunday, October 21, 2012

Trials and Errors of "HTMLing" If That's a Verb

First Year Bliss Linky Party!!
First Year Bliss Linky Party

This is my first time joining a linky party!  I've had LOTS of firsts this week!  First time placing items on TpT.  First time selling an item on TpT.  First time creating blog.  First time blogging.  The list goes on and on.  I can officially say that I have been blogging for a week!  Not too bad for a newbie like me.  It was not all pleasant and a bed of roses!  I'm so glad that I was on fall break because those htmls can be somewhat awful horrible horrendous.  Yeah, that's the word--horrendous!  They can be a pain!  But, guess what, ya'll, (Yep, I'm from south Georgia.  Don't ya love the dialect!)  I overcame htmls--for now.  Some of you are probably wondering what are htmls.  Others are like "I feel your pain, sista!"  Then you have that very small percent of absolute genuises who are like
"What are you thinking?  HTMLs are DA BOMB!" 
For those who are new to the bloggy world, htmls are HyperText Markup Language (HTML).  They are basically codes or computer language that allows a person to display web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser.  Take a look around my blog.  Yep, html codes made it so nice and "purtty".  Totally not bragging.  Well, yes, I'm am!  I love my blog!
Htmls can be a little frustrating for beginners.  It is because I overcame one particular html that I jumped for joy.  Yes, I was literally jumping up and down in our living room doing the cabbage patch (Old school dance.  Please keep reading.)  Yep, the hubs thought I was crazy!  For a couple of days I was trying to get the one-time Facebook Like pop up widget <mouthful, eh> to appear on my page.  It was SO picky!  I could not get it to work correctly.  I had to learn the hard way about backing up my page before making any big changes to my template.  Cue mini lesson for Blogger users:

Under "Template" before you "Customize" or "Edit HTML" click on "Backup/Restore" and save you blog template (and codes) as a file on your desktop before you make any changes.

Moving on.  I know some of you think that I am a dunce, but it was hard for me.  I was always getting an error code when the box would pop up on my page.  When I finally did get it to show faces of the people who liked my Facebook page, I was seeing doubles.  Yes, one person would like the page but two of their Facebook pictures would appear in the pop up box.  Ughhh!  Weird!  I did not give up.  It takes me a long time to ask someone to actually come over and physically help me with something.  No, not because I'm stubborn.  I just like to learn on my own.  I have to learn how to do it just in case I have to do it again.  I dislike pestering bothering people. 
I finally found help on Facebook.  Obviously, on Facebook, there is something called Facebook Developers.  Why didn't anyone tell me about this?  Oh, yeah, I didn't ask.  On Facebook Developers, some people, well developers, have these fill-in boxes where you just copy and paste your information and it automatically creates the html for you.  All you have to do is copy and paste.  Easy!  Here's the link to the Facebook Pop Up Like widget.

Also, if you scroll down the page and look on the left you can find other widgets like a Facebook Like button or a Facebook Live Stream widget for your page.

Well, it's back to school tomorrow.  Fall break is over!!!  I look forward to seeing the students and helping my colleagues!

Thanks for reading, and have fun "htmling"!


  1. Thanks for the tip, Jennifer!

    Haha, I learn like you... at the moment I am determined to make my own Blogger layout and I want to do it all by myself. In truth, I would love it if someone would help me, but I hate the thought of asking a stranger! I'd prefer to just bumble along until I figure it out =P It's more satisfying that way too!

    Teacher Kirra:Maestra Kirra

    1. Ha Ha! We're just alike! I know that I may waste a lot of time trying to figure things out on my own, but I try to think of it as an investment in my future (and saving someone who I would probably bug to death). I'm impressed! I would like to make my own Blogger layout, but I'm just beginning. Maybe in the future. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Congrats on your week-old blog!! hahaha...And...I do feel your pain sista, but not so much in the same way. I get many HTML questions and sometimes, I don't even have the answers!! Thank you for including the link - I always forget about that one.

    Something you might want to dive into next, CSS! It is much easier to modify and you can do a lot of cool things with CSS that you can't do with HTML... Maybe for another vacation...hahaha

    Your blog is very cute and I am a new follower....

    Thank you for linking up -- I look forward to reading your blog posts!!!

    The 3AM Teacher
    Visit My Blog
    Email The 3AM Teacher

    1. Thanks! CSS!?! I saw that button, but I am afraid to touch it for now! Lol! You definitely are right. I'll save that for Thanksgiving Break. Thanks for stopping by. BTW---I LOVE your clipart!!!
