Saturday, December 20, 2014

All I Want For Christmas Is... A Giveaway!

All I want for Christmas is....A TPT GIFT CERTIFICATE... AND REST!  Yes, I'm still around!  Yes, it's been a while since my last post!  Yes, it's WINTER BREAK!  The world of education can keep a person quite busy...and exhausted!  What better way to make a come back than with a giveaway...a TpT gift certificate giveaway!

A gift certificate to Teachers Pay Teachers is one of the BEST gifts that you can give a teacher!  This is why I'm teaming up with Laura Candler and some more of my blogging buddies and giving away a $10 TpT Gift Certificate!  Each blogger is giving away a $10 TpT Gift Certificate!  AWESOME!  You have to enter each contest separately, so be sure to read the directions on each blog!

Check out the TpT gift certificate makeover!   Each gift certificate from $10- $200 has a different color!  Click over to the TpT Gift Certificate page to take a peek!  If you cannot wait for the giveaway, you definitely can purchase a TpT gift certificate at any time!

So here's how you enter...

[You must have a valid e-mail address to receive the gift certificate.  
Winners will be contacted by 12/28]

Check out the other bloggers giving away $10 TpT gift certificates during this wonderful giveaway hosted by Laura Candler over at Corkboard Connections!

Happy Holidays!!!!