I'm SO excited! Yes, it's February...but most of all, I'm sponsoring Farley's Currently over at Oh Boy It's 4th Grade! I am super PUMPED so make sure that you stop by her blog and leave so love! That Farley chic is kind of awesome!
So, what am I CURRENTLY up to?
LISTENING...To my daughter snore! Lately, my 10 year old daughter has been sleeping in our bed. Yep, that's some great sleep there!<insert sarcasm>
LOVING...My newest hobby! I think that I'm becoming OBSESSED with SEWING {drops head}. Yes, I said sewing! I received a sewing machine for Christmas 2012! Yep, 2012! I finally made my first "real" project (I may have messed up a beanbag or two). Anyway, I was SO proud when I made my pouch WITH PIN TUCKS AND A ZIPPER! Woot woot!!! Yes, I did that! Now....finding the time to sew...hmmmm.....
THINKING...About fabric...{drops head AGAIN}! I really like to go in WalMart and Hobby Lobby now and look at all of the beautiful fabric. Here's a secret...I want to make my 17 year old daughter's prom dress! Lol! You read my mind...SHE WOULD KILL ME!!!
WANTING...More snow days without snow! Earlier this week we were out of school for two days because of the weather. It did not snow, but I am so glad that our Superintendent took precautions. I was on the couch in PJs for two days! I REALLY was...snacks and all! On a more serious note...Prayers for all of those affected by the nasty weather lately.
NEEDING....To go grocery shopping! It's been a LONGGGGGG... time since our last payday! Well, only a month and a half! The kids are probably tired of pretzels in their lunchbox!
TRUTH?--I know how to clog! I took it as a PE in college and LOVED it! Most of my family and friends don't even know that I can clog!
TRUTH?--I ABSOLUTELY DISLIKE veggies! Please don't tell my kids! It's hard to preach "Eat your vegetables!" when mom is secretly tossing hers in the garbage.
TRUTH?--I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to exercise!!! I live and breathe to exercise!!! I'll tell you right now---this is my FIB!
Whew!!! Those felt more like confessions!!!
Now, it's your turn! Hop on over to Farley's blog Oh, Boy It's 4th Grade and tell us what you are CURRENTLY up to!
Thanks for stopping by!