So summer is do you keep your kids busy and happy? I'm linking up with Katie from
Teacher to the Core to share my week with you! I started writing this post last week, but it was interrupted by the 4th of July celebration...We visited my parents for a few days. Soooo here's a recap...
I surprised my husband, Marrio, with two tickets to WWE as a Father's Day gift. Yeah, wrestling, ladies & gents! My husband loves wrestling! My son,MJ, is OBSESSED! He sleeps, eat and breathes wrestling! My family, friends and co-workers know this, and we all joke about it! Marrio has always wanted to go to a WWE show and most importantly, he has always wanted to take his son. So I thought that would be the perfect gift for them to Lol! Of course, my son was super, duper excited! Marrio was pumped too! While there, Marrio let MJ take pictures. He loved holding the belts and posing! Disclaimer: "The Rock" and "Kofi" are not real in these pics! But my lil' guy was ECSTATIC!!! This made my son VERY HAPPY!

So sometimes what our kids might THINK will make them happy...does not always make them happy! The kids wanted to go to the park. I usually take them to the park at least once a week, but the weather is either way too hot, or it's pouring rain! On this day I told them that it was too hot, but I decided to take them anyway. The heat in Georgia keeps getter hotter and hotter..LOVE IT {insert sarcasm}! Anyway, anything for our kids, right? I surprised them and took them to get ice cream, and we headed to the park!
Arrival....Don't they look happy!
15 minutes later...uh, yeah!
We weren't there for 15 minutes, and they were ready to go! They were complaining! This lil guy began crying. OMG!!!! It was awful! I told them to play because this is what they wanted to do. My 10 year old, Marri, grabbed my keys (totally out of her character), and they started walking towards the truck. They were leaving me! Kids!
Swim lessons make me happy :) They are on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are much needed! The kids are improving! Yay! MJ tried on one of the girls' cover ups and said, "Mama, I didn't know that these things are so warm and cozy!"

After swim lessons on Thursdays, we visit the local library. They are enrolled in a summer reading program where they can earn prizes for reading. We check out books and attend the children's show. The show usually lasts about 45 minutes and ties in reading. They love the shows because there is always magic or live animals! Our library visit usually lasts about two hours.

In between library visits and swim lessons we play games, or I place the kids on educational sites like I'm definitely not saying that my kids don't play "fun to them" games on their Kindles, but I've always told my husband that kids today do not know how to "play". When we were younger, we played outdoors all day. We made up games! Now technology has taken over! So we always buy board games and such to let our children know that there is more to playing than spending time on their Kindle Fires. You can find cheap card games at dollar stores. I found them oldies at Dollar General for a buck each! The kids love them!
MJ won his first game of Uno! I tried to capture his excitement, but I ended up capturing a little more (Check out the girls!) Lol!
Well, that's a week with my kiddos! Be sure to check out how other bloggy mommies keep their kids busy and happy over at
Teacher to the Core!