
Monday, September 2, 2013

You're Kidding... CURRENTLY, It's SEPTEMBER!

Oh boy, it's September, and I can't believe it!  It seems as it it was just May!  This year is flying by!  Christmas will be here soon!  Yay!

I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for the September Currently!  You should join in on the fun!  You'll learn a lot of interesting stuff about a lot of interesting people!  It's funny too!  
Before I share my Currently September I want to remind you to enter my Silhouette Portrait Giveaway which ends on September 4th.  I've stalked this AWESOME machine so much to know that it is absolutely FABULOUS!  Good luck!  

I would also like to share my newest product on Character Education.  These 36 posters are very colorful and have 3 examples of each trait on each poster!  A great way to teach character!  Here's an example!

Click Here To View

Click Here To View


So hop on over to Oh' Boy Fourth Grade 
and join in on the fun!!!!!


  1. Fall is my favorite time of year. It's a new beginning at school, and a perfect end to the calendar year, with all of the exciting holidays and family getting together.

    I think I'm also due for a new hair style, but thinking in the way of color. My blah brown locks just aren't working for me!

    Tacky the Teacher

  2. Oh I miss fall so much! In Texas we don't have actual seasons and definitely no fall. I used to live in the northeast and still love to look at pictures of it. Getting organized is a good one too-I definitely could use some work on that front!


  3. Autumn is my favorite time of year too! I may or may have not already stalked my favorite apple orchard just to see when their 'picking season' starts! AND I mani/pedi always seems to be on my wish list.
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  4. Fall is a fantastic time of year! I am looking forward to the colorfulness, and fun that comes with the season. However, I am no fan of the cold weather that follows. Have a great month.

  5. I feel your pain about the hairstyle. I keep asking my stylist (that what's I call her) to change it up, but she keeps giving me the same. A brown football helmet. Uck.

  6. I love fall and I can't wait for football to start. I know some people love the heat, but I can't wait for the 60 degree temps.

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook

  7. Your blog is so precious! I loved your "listening" is identical to mine! Silence can be fabulous, can't it? And I need a mani, pedi like WHOA! Thanks for sharing!
    Your Newest Follower,

  8. I miss your face, friend! :) FB'ing your giveaway! :) I can't wait for fall, but I am SO HAPPY that football started! (well , college ball anyway!) :)


  9. Fall is one of my favorite seasons! I wish it felt like fall here in Texas...but it's still 100 degrees where I am. Enjoy your "fall feeling" weather! :)

    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog

  10. Silence is golden! And I will not be a good influence on the new car dreams. I just got a new one and LOVE it! ; )

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
